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Usually pinned up, sometimes down or braided.\nSkin Tone: Pale ivory\nComplexion: Pale, youthful\nMakeup: Faint eyeliner and mascara, subtle eye shadow. Warm, dark red lipstick\n\nBody Type: Hourglass\nHeight: 5'6\"\nWeight: 130 lbs. Does not fluctuate.\nCup Size: 34 D\nShoe Size: 8\nBirthmarks/Scars: None apparent\nDistinguishing Features: Large, expressive eyes. Small gold nipple rings.\n\nHealth: Pinnacle of health\nEnergy: Extremely energetic. She has a habit of perpetual movement, and rarely stands or sits still for extended amounts of time...unless books or alcohol are involved.\nMemory: Newer memories are able to be recalled with near-perfect precision at a moment's notice. Older memories sometimes take time, and thought, before they can be recalled.\nSenses: Extremely average, without the aid of her spectacles. Minor night blindness. (Her vision begins to decline should she start aging.)\nAllergies: None\nHandicaps: Night blindness. Sometimes has more serious vision problems. May rarely exhibit a limp or problems with her shoulder.\nAddictions: Adrenaline. Thrill-seeking. Alcohol. Books. Gold. Timepieces. Opium. Absinthe.\nMental Disorders: Unknown\nEmbarrassing Secrets: Closet nerd, mild kleptomania concerning timepieces.\n\nStyle: Varies. Usually affects 'steampunk' chic; feminine, but sensible clothing, usually in rich colors, accented in cream or gold. When in modern times, she tends to dress in stylish clothes that recall the past, unless they would be inappropriate for the occasion. Modern clothing tends to be in black, red, blue, or purple shades.\nMode of Dress: Prim, proper. Everything is generally in its place.\nGrooming: Extremely well kept, almost to the point of being obsessively 'just right'.\nPosture: Bright and energetic. Very straight posture. Sometimes suggestive. Claims her posture is a product of serving in the Airship Navy Force.\nGait: Swift and sharp, every step precisely measured. Accustomed to walking long distances, and sprinting at a moment's notice.\nCoordination: Very fit. Average strength. At times possesses enhanced speed. Precise hand-eye coordination. Extremely flexible.\nHabits and Mannerisms: Tilts her head curiously. Arches her brows. Taps her fingertips in time with the ticking of her watch. Checks watch impulsively. Jogs every morning. Enjoys yoga that challenges her flexibility. Dances.\nScent: Faint scent of jasmine, or other sorts of perfumes. Keeps very clean, never wears strong scents.\n\nMood: Extremely positive. Usually smiling.\nAttitude: Pleasant, at times flippant. Generous. Empathetic.\nStability: Generally stable, though there are a few key situations that could change that.\nExpressiveness: Defaults to a flippant, joking state. Playfully dramatic. Sometimes hides true responses.\nWhen Happy: Hums. Moves jauntily. Plays with her parasol. Readjusts her glasses.\nWhen Depressed: Drinks. Humor becomes snide, and can be self-debasing.\nWhen Angry: Cold. Methodical. Venomous.\nWhen Frightened: Feigns her usual behaviour if possible. Sometimes forcibly cheerful. Will tap her fingers against a table or thigh, or sometimes her thumb.\n\nCurrent Residence:\nGuildereim, New Versailles\nCommunity: ...easier to see it than explain it.\nFamily: Cayne, her apparent brother\nFriends: Many, but few are fully trusted.\nEnemies: None at the current Time and place.\nFollowers: None\nRivals: None\nRelates to: ...\n\nWardrobe: Classy department store meets costume shop meets lingerie and fetish store\nEquipment: Heavy cane (disguised parasol, both can deliver a painful strike). Sabre. Various daggers. Ornate raygun (Elementally charged; Ice, Fire, Electricity.)\nAccessories: Spectacles\nTrinkets: Golden pocketwatch\nFunds: Enough. Sometimes in strange coins, or banknotes.\nHome: ...\nTransportation: Walking. Horseback. Taxis.\n...\nCollections: Artifacts. Antiques. Books. Timepieces.\nMost Valuable Possession: The Patek Philippe Supercomplication\nPrized Possession: Golden pocketwatch, unmarked. Large. Rarely seen open.\n\nLovers: Wouldn't you like to know?\nMarital Status: Widowed?\n...\nRelationship Status: Unknown\nSex Life: ...Excellent\nType: Storge\nTurn-ons: Intelligence. Friendly competition. Shared pursuits. Obvious interest. Being complimented. Books. Gold. Chocolate. Massages. Tequila. Rum. Sweet-talk. Excitement. Dominance.\nTurn-offs: Foolishness. Callous aggression. Being looked down upon. Being called inhuman. Being called a witch.\nPosition: Switch\nPlays: ...\nFetishes:\n...\nVirginity: HAHAHA. Nope\nElement: Wood\n\nOccupation: Archaeologist. Author. Adventurer. Acquisition Specialist. Specializes in linguistics, research, myths, and legends. Professor of History and Archaeology at NVU. Owner of Timeless Treasures, in the historic district of New Versailles.\nOther Occupation: Dancer and fetishist at LCL; known as Lily Dreams. (Works for Heleine Moreau)\nWork Ethic: Obsessive. Rarely goes more than a few weeks without going on an expedition. Constantly seeking clients, or items that have attracted her eye. Loves nothing more than to seek out an artifact, and succeed in acquiring it.\nRank: Not a common name, to the common man, but formerly well known. Previously considered the best available when it comes to acquisitions.\nIncome: Enough that she never paid attention to it. That's for her accountant to worry about.\nWealth Status: Theoretically upper class. Rarely cares about personal status, though she has a love for the finer things in life.\nExperience: ...\nOrganizations/Affiliatons: Seven Souls. NVU. Timeless Treasures. Le Chat Lux.\n\nIQ: Very high, but not superhuman.\nEducation: Constantly learning; undisclosed number of degrees.\nSchool: Varied; attended many different higher learning institutions, simply for the fun of it.\nGrade: High marks in subjects that interest her. Average marks in subjects she doesn't like.\nDegrees: Numerous, specializing in ancient history, archaeology, linguistics, philosophy. Possibly more, but they are unstated.\n\nReligion: Non-practitioner\nMorals: Give to the disadvantaged. Help the helpless. Give mercy when one can. History trumps sympathy.\nCrime Record: ...best not to ask\nMotivation: Curiosity\nPriorities: Learn new things. Have fun. Acquire new toys.\nPhilosophy: Life is long. Everything repeats.\nEtiquette: Generally polite. Able to fit in anywhere from a seedy bar, to a grand ball.\nCulture: Changes depending upon those around her. Affects mannerisms from various cultures.\nInfluences: Close friends or lovers may be able to influence her behaviour and alignment, sometimes to the extreme.\nRelates to: ...\nTraditions: Drinking large amounts on her birthday.\nSuperstitions: Bad things come in threes.\n\nMain Goal: Learn. Explore.\nMinor Goals: Seek and find rare artifacts.\nCareer:\nArchaeologist, Teacher, Antique Dealer\nDesires: Keep moving, keep going, keep finding new Times and places to explore.\nWishlist: More timepieces. Interesting and exciting clothes.\nAccomplishments: ...\nGreatest Achievements: ...\nBiggest Failure: The death of her younger son\n...\nSecrets:\n...\nRegrets: The death of her family. Watching her friends and lovers grow old and die.\nWorries: Her watch being taken. Being trapped. Being found out. Being called inhuman. Being poisoned.\nBest Dream: ...\nWorst Nightmare: Her watch being taken, and being forced to serve another.\nBest Memories: ...\nWorst Memories: Her first death(drowning), and her second one (hanging).","nodeType":"block","className":"enjoy-css","selector":".enjoy-css","hideDefault":true,"background":{"type":"color","color":"rgba(104,59,59,1)"},"nodeTypeStates":{"input":{"hover":false},"block":{"hover":false},"button":{"hover":false}}}}